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Stinging Insects

Designed in Storyline 360, 2024

This project has three challenges: a drag-and-drop interaction, a series of quiz questions, and a scenario. My goal was to not only demonstrate my skills in Storyline 360 but also engage you in a fun learning experience. 

Emotional Response to Images

Designed in Adobe Captivate, 2023

This project is twofold. On the one hand, it identifies how visuals can instantly trigger our strong emotions. On the other hand, it uses images to evoke a response from you! What do you feel while browsing through it? 

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Fire Safety

Scenario designed in Rise 360, 2024

I created this project for one of my assignments in grad school to illustrate the use of Rise 360 to build simple scenarios. Additional content information was included as per assignment directions. 

Alleviating Foreign Language Anxiety

Sample Project Document designed with ADDIE

What I wanted to share here is not the learning module itself which I created in Rise 360 but a complete ADDIE document designed to complete the project. 

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Designing Multiple Choice Questions

Microlearning Experience in 7 taps, 2023

Initially, we had an amazing article on how to design Multiple-Choice Questions, but no one ever read it. I redesigned it into a fun, interactive learning experience, and 95 % of students completed it on their phones!

My Instructional Designer Video Journal

Posted on YouTube designed with Adobe Premier Pro 

This small YouTube Channel is an introduction to my work as an Instructional Designer. I unexpectedly received an avalanche of positive feedback from my former colleagues, and I plan to post more in future. 

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Mastering a Foreign Language

Scenario designed in Storyline 360, 2021

This scenario-based decision-making project symbolizes my first attempt at working in Articulate Storyline. It's developed and designed from scratch based on ESL learners' needs analysis. 

Picture Book Visual Analysis

Designed in Book Creator, 2022 with emphasis on UX

This project was created for the Visual Design Class, where we pursued the goal of analyzing kids' picture books and applying UX design to present our findings.


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Afternoon Tea Party

High-end Animations designed in PPT

I love animations. I want my learning experiences to be not only inclusive and useful but also visually appealing and entertaining where appropriate. This is a video of an engaging interactive menu. 


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Sharing Links to Your Projects

Infographic designed in PPT, 2022

For a Visual Design assignment, I designed a simple arrow in PPT to convey the sequence of procedural steps for undergraduate students. 


7 Features of Successful Team Work

Infographic designed in Piktochart, 2022

I used the image of a bee hive to illustrate the elements of successful team work. Just like all other projects in my Portfolio, I designed this one from scratch. 

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Stop saying "Good Job!"

Video Tutorial designed in Animoto, 2022

This is another example of a video tutorial designed to encourage students, future K-12 teachers, to steer away from giving generic and meaningless "Good job!" kind of feedback. 

Using Metasites to find Ed Tech Tools

Video Tutorial designed in Canva 

A sample video tutorial. Interestingly, I intentionally used no audio as per Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning but all the students were caught off guard and said: "Your audio is not working." 

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Tech Tutorial for Students

Designed in WeVideo, 2022

This is another assignment, where I strived to use visuals to direct the audience's eyes to specific parts of the video tutorial. There is a particular combination of colors and flashing signs to catch an eye. 

Emotional Response to Visuals

Designed in WeVideo, 2022

This is a sample video tutorial from my project on the power that emotions have on us. As per Gagne's 9 Events of Instructions, it is meant to be a hook to gain the audience's attention. 

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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

© 2023 by Marina Zhoholeva. Proudly created with

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