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  • Writer's pictureMarina Zhoholieva

# 5. From Text to Action: Unraveling the Magic of AI Video Generation

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

AI Video generators are like movie makers! They can turn written stories or descriptions into moving images, just like little cartoons or animated clips. It's like having a tiny director assistant who brings stories to life with colorful animations!

If you have already tried working with AI text and image generators, you may be confident that you can also handle video generators. The idea is the same - you draft a prompt, compare AI output to what you have imagined, and edit it, if necessary.

I want to share a couple of examples to get a preview of what you can do but believe me, the sky is the limit.

If after reading this blog, you feel inspired to explore some AI video generators, please share your experience in the comments!


Having fun with short clips in Synthesia.

Let’s begin with something very simple. Sign in to Synthesia, and create your first AI video from your script. In the free version, your script cannot be longer than 200 characters, which is not much but it will help you get started. You can create a sample video below in seconds. It is free to try but sharing will require a subscription.


Generating videos from your script in seconds with

Working with is fun: you enter your text and compiles a video in the form of a series of images/video clips to illustrate every sentence in your text. Once the draft is generated, you can click any photo/video clip and replace it with your uploaded media or with other AI-suggested options.

Sometimes, Ai-suggested images are not relevant to your idea and it's funny! But you can adjust text, fonts, colors, animation, and background just like with any other video maker. The library of images is extensive! There is a 30-day trial.

When you get the hang of it, is very easy but like with any other novel tool, you need time to get used to it and overcome the initial annoyances like too many lines of text appearing on one slide or the voiceover making the wrong emphasis in your text.


Creating AI videos with Colossyan.

Colossyan feels like a combination of Synthesia and but is more advanced than both. During a two-week free trial period, you can create videos with 30 AI avatars, adjusting backgrounds, headlines, audio, and avatar’s gestures and facial expressions. It is very easy to work with it. My free trial has already expired so I am happy to share a video that I created for the Human Performance Improvement course at Stockton.


Watching your script come alive in Descript.

How would you explain the taste and smell of watermelon to someone who has never ever tried it? It is hard! That is why I find it extremely hard to explain the magic and power of the tool Jasper! By definition, Descript is a video-editing tool to help you write, record, transcribe, edit, collaborate, and share your videos and podcasts. Editing video in Descript is as easy as using docs and slides. Descript has brought video editing to a new whole level.

I will share their tutorial on how to get started, which will help you better understand what it does! In other words, I will encourage you to taste watermelon for yourself! It is free.


How are you feeling towards AI now?

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