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  • Writer's pictureMarina Zhoholieva

# 2. Unraveling the Fear and Skepticism: The Complex Landscape of AI

Updated: Jul 26, 2023

Artificial Intelligence has undoubtedly sparked widespread discussions. Have you ever considered the origins of your perspective on AI?

As I shared on my About page, I used to be very skeptical of AI. I postponed researching the topic until my LinkedIn page became a stream of indecipherable posts: Generative AI, Deep Learning, Plugins, MidJourney and etc. As part of a complex procrastination process, first of all, I started by analyzing why I did not feel like exploring AI. Why do we sometimes resist the advancement of AI?


1. Fantasy Films: Fueling the Fear of Malevolent Machines

Fantasy films have generated tales of AI gone wild, depicting dangerous robots rising against humanity. These cinematic portrayals, while entertaining, can create a lasting impact on people's perceptions. A couple of years ago I read the book “Origin” by Dan Brown, which confirmed my perception of AI as a potential threat.

Here is one more video contributing to the cautious attitude to AI created by TedED. By the way, note that TedED rights now allows you to create and add your own questions to their videos just like EdPuzzle and without the 3-min limit.


2. Innate Human Resistance to Change: The Familiarity Bias

I love psychology. That is why I cannot help but analyze everything through its lens. Human beings are creatures of habit, seeking comfort in familiarity. We resist change with all our might even though changes are the main generators of growth and development! The emergence of transformative technologies, like AI, challenges the status quo and introduces the unknown. This innate resistance to change can manifest as fear and anxiety toward AI. How will it impact society, the job market, and our personal lives? If you are anxious, believe me, you will never be able to look positive at those things.


3. Confirmation Bias: Perceiving AI Through Preconceived Notions

There is another amazing tendency of our brains that sometimes makes our lives harder. Confirmation bias is a tendency to interpret information to support our preexisting beliefs.

For example, imagine a student who strongly believes they are not good at math. They tend to interpret any test or quiz results as evidence that confirms their belief. If they score poorly on a math test, they may think, "See, I told you I'm not good at math!" However, if they happen to perform well on a math assignment, they might dismiss it as luck or an easy test, reinforcing their belief that they are not good at math.

The same thing happens to our perception of AI. If individuals hold skeptical views about AI's capabilities or intentions, they may be more likely to notice and remember instances that seem to validate their skepticism. These are like glasses through which you are observing and analyzing the world.


4. The Fear of Losing Control.

There is another fear that has a tremendous influence on us: the fear of losing control. It can be a common human experience, and many people may experience it to some degree at different points in their lives. However, the intensity and frequency of this fear can vary significantly from person to person.

Due to the fact that most of us are still grappling with the idea of what AI is, we feel that we cannot control it. There are numerous issues related to privacy and data security that make us feel uneasy. It feels much safer to stay away rather than risk diving in. Getting some basic information about AI helps overcome it. Transform fear into curiosity!


Conclusion: Embracing an Informed Perspective.

Unconscious cognitive biases have been characteristic of humans for centuries. You may argue that the introduction of AI may have an effect unparalleled to any previous changes in our history, but how can we be sure that harnessing the power of fire in prehistoric times did not feel equally awe-inspiring and terrifying? The good thing is that cognitive biases can be managed simply: they should be brought to consciousness for us to make a decision whether we want to follow them or question them.


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